Glossary of PPC Search Engine Marketing Terms

Learn Pay Per Click: tablet device - trueview video ads

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The tablet device, traditionally inheriting the settings of the desktop device targeting and bid options, will soon have its own bid modification options like mobile device targeting on the Google AdWords PPC marketing platform. PPC advertisers or account specialists can choose to set bids as the base for tablets, as opposed to bid modifications on top of the desktop ads, leading to a higher level of control for the account specialist. The tablet device can be turned off, bid higher or lower than desktop or mobile base bids, or set as its own base bid in addition to desktop and, soon to be, mobile device bids.

tablet device

Targeting changes are a subset of account changes made in Google AdWords or Bing Ads that registers the PPC account manager or advertiser that made the change, when and what the change was. Targeting changes include account level changes such as shift in language or country the PPC account will advertise towards.

targeting changes

Targeting groups

Targeting groups are a selection for targeting or excluding groups of users or websites in the Google Display Network (GDN) and YouTube TrueView video ad channels such as by remarketing audiences, demographics or specific placements. The targeting groups can be used to target select groups and also exclude others for granular control of when a banner or image display ad or TrueView video ad will show or not to users across GDN and YouTube. The targeting groups can be applied at the campaign or ad group level, with the more specific ad group level overriding the settings of the campaign level it is housed within. Targeting groups are also known as targeting methods.

text ads

Text ads are the standard ad type that allows for PPC advertisers or account managers to show ad copy on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), Search Partners or even select Google Display Network (GDN) partner websites. Text ads previously had a standard ad format, but going forward Google AdWords and Bing Ads are replacing these with Extended Text Ads (ETAs), also known as Expanded Text Ads. The Extended Text ads, or text ads will feature a final URL, two headlines (instead of one) with 30 character limits each that are the clickable portion of the ad, two url paths of 15 characters each for the display URL and a single box of 80 characters for the description, as opposed to two lines of 35 characters each. The additional text ad character limit lengths will allow for PPC advertisers or account managers to convey more information, take up more real estate, and is anticipated to increase the Click-Through Rate (CTR) of ads, improving ad Quality Score (QS).

Text placeholders are variable parameters contained in brackets and named with the taxonomy {param1}, {param2}, etc. Text placeholders can be added to the ad title headline, ad text in the description lines, display url or even final url of multiple ads, saving rote manual work on behalf of the PPC advertiser or account specialist.

text placeholders

Time dimension

The Time dimension, a variable found under the dimensions tab in Google AdWords, allows PPC advertisers and account managers to review account performance by specific sets of time such as by the hour, day, week, or month. Reviewing, analyzing and adjusting ad scheduling, set up dayparting, or bid up or down on set times of the day will allow for granular level account management and optimization improving performance to meet Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the PPC account.

The Top vs. Side segmentation or dimension type allows for PPC advertisers or account managers to review ad performance when the ad shows in the top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) ad rankings or on the bottom of the 1st page or 2nd page onward results. Typically, the majority of account performance and results occur in the Top ad ranked listings so should bid adjustments should be made accordingly to remain competitive in PPC marketing platform auctions.

Top vs. Side

The tools tab for Google AdWords and Microsoft's Bing Ads PPC marketing platforms houses the resources for PPC advertisers and account managers to research, review and analyze results, and troubleshoot and diagnose issues within the account. Powerful tools such as keyword and display placement planners allow PPC specialists to review opportunities to expand the account, or review and analyze the account with conversions or attribution data. Finally, account managers can use the ad preview and diagnosis tool to determine ad delivery concerns without triggering an ad via the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), as novices may be inclined to do.

tools tab

topics targeting method

The Topics targeting method for the Google Display Network (GDN) or YouTube TrueView video ad channels allows PPC advertisers or account managers to determine whether an ad impression will show for a website unless its content tends to fall within the selected topic. PPC advertisers or account managers to choose to include or exclude specific pre-set topics available.

Total conversion value is a conversion level metric that analyzes PPC account performance based upon the revenues generated from all paid advertising efforts within the account. Total conversion value is a less preferred column level metric to review in the account as it does not contain cross-device conversions and their assigned values. Total conversion value adds the value of all micro-conversion and macro-conversions that are checked for tracking at the individual conversion level.

total conversion value

Tracking codes for the PPC advertising platforms allow for the accumulation of performance data that is then transferred into the marketing interface itself for review, analysis and account management work. Tracking codes for Analytics type code such as for Google Analytics or Bing's Universal Event Tracking (UET) codes should be placed within the <head> </head> tags of every page of the website, while the conversion codes should be added only to the conversion page itself within the <body> </body> tags. The conversion code should be placed where a user is sent upon completing a conversion action, such as submitting an order payment or form submission.

Tracking codes

Tracking parameters are URL UTM or other parameters that can be added to the final URL of an ad to track user demographics and behavior metrics that are manually added at the campaign, ad group, keyword or ad level within the Google AdWords interface, and now within Microsoft's Bing Ads PPc marketing platform. The tracking parameters are a quick way for account specialists to save time by applying parameters across campaigns, ad groups and other levels by inputting tracking URL parameter rules. The tracking template is a column that can be added to review how the tracking parameters are shown for individual ads or other levels within the PPC account.

tracking parameters

TrueView Video ads are an ad format exclusively available on the Google AdWords PPC marketing platform for displaying ad impressions on YouTube videos as overlays, pre-roll (ads that can be skipped before showing the requested video), mid-rolls that run the video ad during the middle of a selected video, and as in-display which show to in the right hand list of recommended videos as a sponsored ad. TrueView video ads must have the video on a YouTube channel and the setting set to public for it to run successfully. TrueView video ads can run powerful testing campaigns by working with a Google Partner Pay Per Click (PPC) agency that can request metrics on brand and keyword performance lift with their dedicated account strategists.

Trueview video ads

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