Best Google Ads Tutorials for Beginners


Considering digital advertising for the first time, especially Google Ads, can be very confusing if not frightening. Everything from campaigns, adgroups, keywords, budgets to all bid modifiers, all occurring in some type of mysterious online auction that happens for every search?  Even veterans in the digital advertising space can get overwhelmed, especially with new updates to the system and an ever changing market. This is why being able to access tutorials, regardless of your experience, is always a great fall back.

Today we are going to help you out with a review of where you can find  the best tutorials. Keep in mind that you do not need to take all of these tutorials, pick and choose what makes the most sense, and either freshen up on things you haven’t done in awhile. If you're new to the space, focus on what your main objective is.

Google Partners

Let’s just jump straight to the source. Google will of course have the best tutorials, because it is Google Ads is their product. This is by far the best place to learn your basics. Most people who access these tutorials are typically trying to get Google Ads Certified, but even a novice can gain mass amounts of knowledge from the exam study guide. It is very informative and easily digestible for anyone, regardless of skill level. It can be hard to find at first, as it is not publicized, however it is definitely worth the effort.

If you find it easier to learn through short videos, Google Partners also has a YouTube channel so don’t be afraid to leverage that rather than reading. They are easily consumed, short and focused videos that allow you to pick up some great nuggets of information.

Google Ads in 60 Seconds Series

If you're having trouble figuring out some of the processes with Google Ads but you’re short on time and need quick access to information, SalesX has a solution for you. We have a Google Ads in 60 Seconds Series on YouTube containing over 20 videos explaining processes such as geo targeting, price extensions, expanded text ads, audience lists, increasing your revenue, and many more. We cover a full range of basic to expert topics for you to see, review, and enable into your Google Ads account. These are simple straight forward explainer videos that demonstrate the process step by step using a real account.  How cool is that?! I always find it easier to learn when I can  watch, pause and recreate what I'm viewing. I imagine most people feel the same way.

Google Ads 101

Another good resource for Google Ads tips is Most of these courses are paid, but there are over a thousand free ones ranging from beginner to expert. Free courses have great information in them, they are calm and have clear cut instructions on what you need to know. Some of the hour long video courses can be intimidating, but you can always pause and come back to it. However they also offer free bite-sized advertising videos for anyone who prefers it short and sweet.

Our Keyword Match Type Tool

If you need help accelerating your process for adding keyword match types we have a free keyword match type tool. We highly recommend covering all your bases when it comes to keyword match types but we also know how time consuming and tedious this process can be. So we developed this tool to help you out. You simply  list the keywords you want in an adgroup and then you can choose what keyword match type(s) you need.  Press the button and presto you have the keyword match type(s) all completed for you. All you need to do is copy it to your clipboard and then paste it and you're done! We created this tool to help our clients but we are offering it to everyone to make keyword matching  easier, faster, and less time consuming.

In conclusion, with these three educational sources and our match type tool, you should be more than able to locate the help you need with Google Ads.  We hope that what we covered today can help you on your path to becoming an expert in Google Ads.