Facebook Ads

Copywriting Tips For Facebook Ads


Learn Some Facebook Ad Copywriting Tips

Facebook is the space to be in if you want to target ads to specific groups of people. This platform is perfect for getting your message in front of the right consumer, but remember this is only half the battle. The message you are projecting is still significant. Here are 4 of our best tips for creating a knock-out Facebook ad.

Facebook Copywriting Test Galore

A lot of the time things are assumed. Advertisers assume their keywords are having the desired effect, and they assume that when a Facebook custom audience list is created, it is reaching the proper audience. When we write ad copy, we often assume that it will reach all consumers and they will then convert.

Unfortunately you can never make assumptions when it comes to ads. Sometimes the Facebook ad copy that you have written won’t resonate with the consumers that you are trying to reach, which you can easily identify through low click through rate or conversion rates. This is why A/B testing is critical.

A/B testing is an exercise that compares the performance of two ads at the same time. This testing works well for perfecting your ad copy because it demonstrates which ad is performing better with your audience. Essentially this will give you the advantage for capturing more of your audience.

Make Your Facebook Copywriting Look Organic

Most people hate to see advertisements on Facebook. This is primarily because people log on to Facebook to see some posts, pictures, or status updates of their friends. Facebook actually has taken this into consideration with their ad auction algorithm. The less engagement Facebook expects you ad to get, the less Facebook expects your target audience to like your ad, which means it will perform.

Asking people to sign up for free trials of your product can be an easy way to blend into a feed. This type of ad, though will actually stick out in a feed and make people less responsive to it. Your engagement level will actually plummet and ad will be virtually ineffective. However, asking people to check out a video or a blog post is more appropriate and inviting. Most users won’t actually realize that it is an ad they are engaging with and this provides you with a new potential consumer.

Long Copy is Usable

In most situations when it comes to ad copy on social media brevity is best but in some cases longer is better. There are three things you need to think about when writing Facebook ad copy. These include the level of familiarity people have with your business, the content you push, and the action you want users to take. 

If you wanted to promote a webinar and get people to register, then it makes sense to write ad copy that provides a clearer image of what your audience is signing up for. People increasingly mistrust what is online, especially when their personal information is requested. Adding extra information to your ad copy can also serve to thin out the crowd. By being more specific in your ad copy, you can dissuade potential unqualified users.

Another situation where expanding your ad copy is important is when you are reaching out to a brand new audience you have never targeted. If you just launched a new product and you are promoting to an audience that has no clue who you are, they are unlikely to engage. So for these new prospects, writing a high level description of what your product is and business value behind is ideal.

Think About Who Views Your Facebook Copywriting Ads

Remember that Facebook reigns supreme when it comes to its targeting parameters. The targeting is more robust, and can be carefully segmented, unlike most of Google and Bings targeting. For example on Facebook you can target users who have birthdays in the near future. You can then leverage ad copy that might make the consumer feel special. For example, you could provide a “birthday discount” or “the perfect place to celebrate your birthday”. This approach could translate into some quick sales. Later, you can double down on these new consumers, by retargeting them with a different ad copy, so you don’t need to wait for next year.

Facebook offers many advantages for targeted marketing. You should need to know how to leverage them.

Google Ads & Facebook Campaign Creation


Learning the Importance of Google Ads & Facebook Campaign Creation

Google and Facebook Ad Campaigns are just like a house, it can be beautiful, unique, intricate designs, but without the foundation there could never be a house. Essentially, your ads can be kick ass and super creative, but without proper campaign structure you can’t be as effective as you want to be. Keeping a strong campaign structure will keep your advertising efforts into your a money making machine. Today we will be going over a strong campaign structure to help you out.

Understanding What a Strong Google Ads Campaign is

There are four strong points to look at an account: settings, structure, budget, and intent. The first place you should start looking at is the settings at the campaign level. Campaign level optimizations are like the base of the pyramid and as we go deeper into the campaigns we reach the top. Before you start your campaign you should make sure where, when, who and how.

Google Ads Campaign Understanding Where

This section will be your location settings: what area in the world are you trying to target? The US, California, San Francisco or a specific area code? This is where you figure out how broad or how exact you want.

Google Ads Campaign Understanding When

This section will be your ad scheduling section. Do you only want you ads running from 9am to 5 pm? Do you want you ads running 24/7? Do you want your ads off during regular sleeping hours? Google Ads will allow you to choose when you want your ads to appear.


Google Ads Campaign Understanding Who

This section will pertain to your language settings. It best practice to change your campaigns from “all languages” to the language of your ad copy, keywords and landing pages that way the people reading your ads and landing pages won’t have any problems.

Google Ads Campaign Understanding How

This is going to be in your bidding strategy section There are 2 specific ways to your can use to set your bidding strategy. If you want to have more control over your bids, try using the manual section, otherwise you can have Google set bids for you, want to give maximize clicks with a bid cap a chance. How to Optimize Your Account Structure After you have gone over these sections, you should review the overall structure of the campaign. Are all of your products and service under a single campaign? Do you have 300 keywords in a single adgroup? Let’s go over some of SalesX’s ideals and how they relate to Google Ads account structure.

Google Ads Campaign Importance of Account Structure

The biggest thing regarding your campaigns and how your ad groups fall is the relevancy of each. If you had a two campaigns one being tea and another being accessories, where would a teapot go? Understanding themes and the relevancy of the item you are trying to promote help your campaign and adgroups stay strong.


Here are three tips that we advise to keep your account properly structured:

1. Each Adgroup should have 15 keywords (3 match types) per each adgroup.

2. Each Adgroup should have 2-3 expanded text ads so that you can a/b test results.

3. Each Adgroup should have at least one Responsive Ad so you can also maximize your AI capabilities.

Understanding Facebook Ad Campaigns

On Facebook there are three levels to each campaign that are run: the campaign level, the ad set level, and the ad level. We will be going over the campaign level of these ads today.

Facebook Ads Campaign Level

Facebook Ads is a lot more simplified when it comes to campaign set up compared to Google Ads. Basically, there’s one campaign level that you need to work on in Facebook Campaigns this would be your objective. When you choose your objective Facebook will tell you want you are trying to accomplish in each objective section there are actually 11 objectives you can dive into.

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The main three umbrellas are: awareness, consideration, and conversion. This is a way to categorize each specific objective you can try to reach. Each of these three umbrellas fall under a specific stage of the marketing funnel journey, therefore having an aspect of all three of these running can be advisted.

The purpose of an awareness campaign is to reach relevant Facebook users and lets them know that your business exists. This type of campaign is to bring your business to people that might not know that your business is relevant to them. This campaign is not set to try and obtain conversions or sales, but just to grab people’s attention. 

The purpose of consideration campaigns is to inspire prospects that will impact them in a meaningful way. This can pertain to inciting someone to check out a blog, watch a video, or filling out a form fill. This will help you build an audience pool  that you can target in lower funnel offers. 

The purpose of conversion campaigns (the bottom of a marketing funnel) is to drive your sales and conversions. This can be different for a variety of companies for example a brick and mortar company might be trying to increase foot traffic where an ecommerce company might be trying to sell a specific product.