2020 Instagram Demographics to Keep in Mind for Digital Marketing in 2021


Most of the world has been staying  at home and working remotely through 2020. That means that social media’s usage and popularity has skyrocketed as have companies' marketing efforts. With the world in lockdown, platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the new normal for communication for everyone. 

When it comes to social media and successful digital marketing campaigns, you need to be strategic and leverage data and demographics. Today we will explain why Instagram is the digital marketing platform of choice for many marketers. We’ll also discuss Instagram data and why the demographics are important. 

Why Instagram is Popular

Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms in the world, with around one billion users. Due to the sheer popularity of the app you can expect your competition to promote on this platform too. 

Instagram is a social media platform that is based on taking pictures or videos to network with other users around the world. It is widely popular regardless of age, but is incredibly relevant to Gen Z. The app itself is very straightforward to use and the interface is interactive, easy to interpret and attractive. It allows users to gain popularity online and showcase their life, skills, and talents globally. Due to the amount of users of all ages it makes the perfect place to market to every age group. For many companies big, small, general or niche, it is the perfect place to secure marketing success.

Why look at 2020 Instagram Demographics for 2021 Digital Marketing

Studies reveal that 60% of people use Instagram to discover new products. There are also over 25 million business accounts on the Instagram platform. And with Instagram being the 6th most popular social media platform,  it's a great place to engage with your audience. A strong marketing strategy has creative leads, generates sales, and builds your brand which serve to increase your followers / audience. That should include Instagram. If you don’t have an account on Instagram, start one, and if you aren’t leveraging it to boost your marketing strategy you should start.

Instagram demographics will help you to better understand your users. They will also help you to figure out which posts and promotions work best with your target audience. By having demographics you will be able to further enhance your social media strategy on this platform.

Instagram General Statistics

Instagram was founded in October 2010. Since hitting the app store it has been on a continuous climb of growth in users joining and is considered one of the best social media marketing tools. Here is some general information about Instagram that shows how influential it truly is.

  • Over one billion active users worldwide (monthly)

  • 500 million active users (daily)

  • Over 500 million accounts use Instagram stories (daily)

  • In 2019 Instagram said around 90% of users follow at least one business account on the platform.

Age Demographics

When you are marketing your business, your brand and specific products can appeal to different age groups. Knowing your target audience’s age and the most prominent demographics on Instagram can help you gauge what you should be marketing on your Instagram account. Here is the demographic breakdown of adults on Instagram in the US.

  • Ages 18-24  75%

  • Ages 25-29  57%

  • Ages 30-49  47%

  • Ages 50-64  23%

  • Ages 65+  8%

Geo & Location Demographics on Instagram

The United States has the most active users on Instagram with 116 million people in the U.S. using the app regularly. But the U.S. accounts for  only eleven percent of Instagram’s overall users. 

Statista pulled a report of the top twenty two countries that use Instagram in October 2020. Here are the top ten.

  • United States - 140 million users

  • India - 120 million users

  • Brazil - 95 million users

  • Indonesia - 78 million users

  • Russia - 54 million users

  • Turkey - 44 million users

  • Japan - 37 million users

  • Mexico - 31 million users

  • United Kingdom - 28 million users

  • Germany - 25 million users

To understand more about location demographics, Pew Research surveyed people in urban, suburban or rural areas about their Instagram use. The survey determined that 25% of people in urban areas 35% of people in suburban areas use Instagram and 21% of people in rural areas use Instagram. 

Ethnicity Demographics

Pew Research has done multiple surveys that focus on ethnicities using instagram, including two surveys published in 2015 and in 2018. The three ethnicities they surveyed are Latinos, African Americans, and Caucasians. Here are the results of those surveys.


In both surveys we can see that minorities form a higher percentage of Instagram users and that there is an increase in use for all ethnicities over the three year time period. And with the influx of users during 2020 we are sure that these numbers have continued to spike. 

Leverage Instagram Demographics to Help Increase Digital Marketing Success

Looking at Instagram demographics should be taken into consideration when creating your campaign strategies. With the right targeted audience you can enhance your brand and products appeal to the masses.