Facebook and Instagram Advertising During COVID-19


Small business owners tend to build personalized relationships with their customers to keep their business growing. They do the same thing with their advertising audience. The COVID-19 outbreak has significantly affected daily business practices. In particular, it means that businesses need to adapt their advertising tactics.

Today we are going to be going over three strategies that you can try during these difficult  times:

  • Going Live

  • Remarketing 

  • Leveraging Email Marketing Lists in Facebook

Going Live

Depending on your business and product, you can be highly effective by going on Facebook or Instagram Live. This is a great way to reconnect with your audience and maintain a personal connection. This will allow you to be honest and genuine with viewers. 

Facebook and Instagram Live provide you with the next best thing to a personal connection during these difficult times. You don’t necessarily have to push your product aggressively every stream. It is enough just to connect. What's so great about streaming is that your audience can write comments about their experiences or ask questions. You can get lots of ideas for content to include just by following their interactions with you during the stream.

You can also use your live streams to show off your product. For example, let's say you have a photo editing app. You can share your use of the app on live screen share. Then you can display tips and tricks for people or advertising less widely known functions of your app. You will be educating people on cool and practical ways of using the app as well as ways to use it that people might not have realized they could.


We all know that there is a pretty high bounce rate when it comes to company websites. Due to people being at home because of COIVD, finding ways to encourage people to come back to your site is something you need to test. A good example of doing this is to offer a special promotion like free shipping or a discount code to people who have abandoned your site in the past. Everyone loves a good deal. 

Another thing you can try applying is engagement custom audiences. These allow you to target users who have engaged with your content  in the past on Facebook and Instagram. They incorporate anyone who has commented, liked, interacted or shared on your Facebook or Instagram accounts. Make sure to be as detailed as possible in your segmenting as this will give you the best chance for success.

Leveraging Email Marketing Lists in Facebook

If you have a business where you can use a newsletter, and you feel that during COVID your business is slowing down, you should look into email marketing. This is a great way to gather more data, get leads, and promote special deals.

A Facebook Lead Ad campaign will allow you to pique the interest of your customers, increase leads and email newsletters sign ups, and create new audiences to remarket to in the future. Keep in mind when you create a Facebook Lead Ad campaign your lead generation form should be short and sweet. The more information you ask for, the less like a consumer will be to fill out your form. 

The best approach is to simply  ask for a name and email because your newsletter will serve as a further point of contact that allows you to capture more conversions.

Hopefully these tips will help your business to thrive during these times. If you want to learn more about Facebook Advertising take a look at our Facebook copywriting blog Or, if you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us.