April Marketing Ideas 2021


With the spring season in full swing and April here, there are a plethora of holidays and promotion ideas that you can tap into. These observances and themes give you an opportunity to connect with your customers, have your brand's voice shine through, and make some creative content.

In this blog post, we will be going over some of the holidays and causes that you can post about in April that might align with your r business vertical. To help get your creative juices flowing.

April Marketing Holidays and Awareness Causes

First, let’s cover a list of holidays and national celebrations that occur in April that you might not be aware of. 

  • April Fool’s Day

  • Easter Sunday

  • World Party Day

  • World Health Day

  • Siblings Day

  • National Grilled Cheese Day

  • Tax Day

  • High Five Day

  • Get to Know Your Customer Day

  • Earth Day

  • Picnic Day

  • Denim Day

  • Arbor Day

Here is also a list of themes and awareness campaigns that often occur during April

  • Financial Literacy

  • Sexual Assault

  • Child Abuse

  • Autism

  • Volunteering

  • Donate Life

Autism Awareness Month

Autism affects 2% of all children in the US. If you know someone that is affected by autism this is a great opportunity to get involved in some activities, raise awareness, or raise money through a charity dedicated to Autism. For example, if you have a jewelry business you can have a product dedicated to Autism Awareness. 

National Child Abuse Prevention Month

A blue pinwheel represents support for National Child Abuse Prevention Month. If you want to show your support for this cause, you can approach it the same way you might with  Autism Awareness. Spread awareness, give information on charities, or get involved in your community. For example, if you are a college you might plant blue pinwheels to show your support for any students or potential students that may have been affected by this. 

April Fool’s Day

Everyone likes to have a little fun and companies are more than allowed to do this on April Fool’s Day. All we recommend is that you keep it uplifting and fun. A great post in the past is gone from the McDonalds UK Twitter account. In 2019, they announced the long-awaited milkshake dipping sauces.


Make sure that your joke is related to your business. Or even share April Fool’s jokes that your employees are partaking in whether it's in the office or on a Zoom call. 

National High Five Day

National High Five Day is a little different now due to COVID-19, however, that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate it still. You create a post based on giving high fives to your employees for the great job they’ve been doing through these trying times. In doing so you can reach out to your community and have them tag people that they would want to give high fives. You can also make a high-five post acknowledging your customers, vendors, or causes that you support such as the Make a Wish Foundation. The last idea for a high five day is if you're in the restaurant and host a five-dollar promotion. Just remember to use the hashtag #highfiveday.


Earth Day /  Arbor Day

Earth and Arbor Day are all about trees, nature, and mother earth. You can use these holidays as an opportunity to market your business. If you own a flower shop you can talk about the use of dried flowers for décor and events to save costs and the use of fresh flowers. If you are a fitness center try hosting classes outside or encouraging people to enjoy nature by taking a hike and appreciate nature. 


Restaurants typically benefit from Easter, by hosting an Easter brunch. Photographers can run a special promotion for families to take holiday pictures with their children. Other businesses can host a family Easter egg hunt to attract the local community, just make sure you are following the proper protocols. And lastly, bakeries can make cute Easter-themed treats for consumers to enjoy. 

Tax Day

Even though the day to file taxes has been extended, tax day still falls in April. If you are an accounting firm or a financial business this is a great time to talk about taxes or even the extension of when taxes need to be filed. All businesses can also host a tax day promotion. To really attract your customers you have the opportunity to help their wallets on a day that is stressful for most people. 

From April Fool’s to Arbor Day, there are a variety of holidays and causes that you, as a company, can create content around during the month of April. Take some time to yourself and think about which ones make the most sense for you and your business to work with. Hopefully, our suggestions also helped make some connections for some post ideas for you.