X-Alphas®: Bringing More Value, Cutting Down Costs for Google Ads

X-Alphas® is a Google Ads scripts-driven semi-automatic system. It checks and identifies converting keywords. First, it identifies the converted search terms that triggered the keyword, separates them, and places them in an area where it is manually evaluated for quality and defects. One example of a defect would be if a converting search term contained a competitor’s brand in a case where going after competing brands is not part of the strategy, etc.

Once the desirable search terms are approved, they are then turned into “Alpha” keywords, which will eventually bring higher Click-Through-Rates (CTR), improve targeting, and lower Cost-Per-Clicks (CPC), higher conversion rates, and lower Cost-Per-Lead (CPL) and Cost Per Acquisition (CPA). Only keywords and search terms that yield the desired quality and value will get into the alpha campaigns. Thanks to X-Alphas® being semi-automatic, it allows for us to manually maintain terms to ensure those desired search terms integrate with Alpha campaigns. 

From Keyword to Search Term - Analyzing Google Ads Opportunities

At the macro level, the keyword is what we place into the account to trigger targeting. The so-called keywords can also be phrases with more than one word in them. At the micro-level, Search Terms are what consumers actually type during a search, although not necessarily the same as keywords.

Also, keywords are sometimes found within search terms and vice versa. Keywords are set to trigger ads based on Search Terms that match up with the keywords. To simplify, we will use the keyword Kimura lock (shoulder lock move in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu), as a keyword in the account, someone that goes online and types in the search term: ‘how to do a leg assisted kimura’ would trigger our ad for that tutorial or video collection. In that case, we would take the search term, and if we found out that it converted to a sale, then we would turn it into a keyword. 

Mining for the X-Alphas® 

To better simplify the concept of X-Alphas®, picture a large mountain. We will call that mountain, Mt. Beta Campaigns. Inside that mountain are valuable, golden chunks of converting search terms. Those desired search terms are what we will mine from the beta campaigns, to use to bring conversions and stability within an Alpha campaign. 

The Optimization Uploader

In a more complex explanation, Beta campaigns are exploratory and consist of Broad Match, Broad Match Modified, Exact Match, and Phrase Match campaigns. During the exploratory phase, keywords are used to search for terms that convert later on. Once the terms convert, they are then transferred to the Search Terms Report, with the rest of the terms that are also converted. These terms (X-Alphas®) are then pushed over to the Optimization Uploader. The optimization uploader system is a semi-autonomous tool to clean the search term data prior to becoming Alpha Exact Match keywords. Then the search term data joins the Alpha campaign. Our expert staff members perform the delicate task of considering which keywords to turn into Alpha keywords. Other companies might have a keyword within their brand names. If not careful, then there would be an inefficient, time-consuming competition over clicks with other companies with similar brand names. Our objective is to differentiate itself from the competition, so we may stand out to the consumer's eye.    

X-Alphas® is a Semi-Automatic Google Ads customization

Even after finding a majority of Alpha terms (those terms that have converted), it is not possible for us to find every single term; as consumers uniquely type in different terms when browsing the web. To counteract this, it is necessary to A/B test and optimize the Alpha campaigns, and to make sure that they are running at the correct times. To A/B test means to edit, modify, or replace different terms in the campaign to detect/trigger valuable keywords to use again. It may also be necessary to split out a few keywords and put them in their own ad group. Some alpha campaigns may outperform other ones, but this may only occur as long there is management. This is why it is important that the system functions semi-automatically, to allow maintenance to be possible for optimal performance.   

Check out some recent results of our X-Alpha Campaigns from our clients and feel free to look over more of our amazing scripts in the X-Vault®.